Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fireside - NEW TIME

Please note the new time for the Fireside on Saturday, January 9th. It starts at 7:00 PM Mountain time. This allows for people to the East to attend. You can call in at 1-270-696-2525, password is 536450* (be sure to press the * key). See you there!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fireside topic for January 9, 2010

The topic for the Orthodox Baha'i tele-Fireside this month is "The Purpose of Life". With current events roiling around us and wandering around without a clear purpose, this is a timely topic. The Fireside is scheduled for 7:00 PM Mountain time. The call-in information is 1-270-696-2525, password is 536450*. Please join us for this conversation!